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Explore the world with rich location info for over 98 million points of interest, including 4 million Wikipedia articles.


Help users explore the world with rich location info for over 98 million points of interest. Including 4 million Wikipedia articles.
0 million

locations worldwide

Create with rich points of interest data for the entire world.

0 million

updates every month

Rely on precise, up-to-the-minute location data. Built by more than 9 million contributors.

0 billion

active users every month

Map confidently and join more than a billion others that use OpenStreetMap every month.

Help your users discover the world near them

Offer your users the information they look for to plan a trip to Tokyo or to select a ramen restaurant near them. You can give users details about a location’s name, address, evaluations, ratings, contact, and ambiance using Places. Tens of millions of releases are provided every day by tour experts and consumers so that precise and trustable services can be obtained.

Improve services through the use of precise location data

Giving your drivers the specific addresses based on the users’ registered location, you will avoid missed pickups. Allow users to enter accurate payment information by suggesting addresses as they write. You can give your customers the data they need, right when they need it, by combining our powerful location data and mapping features with up-to-date Places data.

Forward and Reverse Geocoding

Forward geocoding converts location text into geographic coordinates, turning 1 Apple Way, Cupertino into 37.334722, -122.008889. Reverse geocoding turns geographic coordinates into place names, turning 37.334722, -122.008889 into 1 Apple Way, Cupertino.

A search that is forgiving

People make an average of 39 mistakes per 100 words when writing social media posts. So we thought, let’s make a fuzzy search that is forgiving and location aware. And so we did.

Create with rich location data worldwide

Use information from over 70 million locations and places of interest to assist users in finding you, getting more customers through reviews, and even identifying fraud attempts. You can expect the same elevated Magic Lane Maps, Location & Navigation Platform experiences whether you’re running your business in Rome or New York.

Global coverage

Because we developed the entire platform you can connect public transport routes with perfect pedestrian routes. Or you can guide your customers with a car route to parking and provide perfect pedestrian navigation instructions to your restaurant.


Location Details

Names, addresses and other details such as evaluations, comments, or contact information are available for over 70 million locations.

Current Location

Detect a location based on actual signals such as the time of day or the user’s location.

Search Location

Create a location out of a phone number, address or name.


Deliver location recommendations immediately while users write.


Translate addresses to geographic coordinates or the other way around. 


Provide accurate positioning data for indoor and outdoor devices and assets using Wi-Fi and cell towers. 

Time Zone

Display a time zone for any place. 

Online & Offline

With all the information stored on your device, you don’t need to wait while map tiles download. That is, of course, if you have network coverage, because in almost 5% of all miles of motorways in the United Kingdom there is still no 3G coverage.

So before leaving home or the office, you can download entire countries or regions.

Start using Locations

Start using Places

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